Finding a Critique Group

Live to Write - Write to Live

I’ve been asked a number of times how to find a critique group, so I thought I’d list some of the avenues I followed to find a critique group that works for me.

First, you need to have an open mind. A good friend of mine joined a mommies group after she had her first child, and she told me she was going to keep going “until I made one good friend.” I thought that was really smart. Often we join a group and, when it’s not immediately fulfilling, we stop going. My friend kept going until she had one good friend that she continued to see outside the group—mission accomplished.

After that, I think it’s a matter of trying multiple options. Here are some of the things I tried, which eventually led to my current critique group, which is everything I ever dreamed of in a critique group:


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How can you write with the kids around? Part 3

my family b

How do you write when you have a family, job, and possibly even a life?
   Make sure you check out parts 1 and 2 first.

1. Communicate
In a good novel, you need dialogue.
Same in relationships.
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How can you write with the kids around? Part 2

my family

(photo by Amanda M. Bowman

If you haven’t read part one, go here:

I love telling people that I’m an author. It makes me feel like I’ve achieved something most people think is impossible. One question I get from almost everyone is: How do you find the time?
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